Colors That Fits Different Rooms In Your House
According to modern research, when our eyes connect with a specific color, our brains release a particular chemical that impacts us on our emotional and physical level. For example, our heart rates increase when in a red room stimulating a chemical associated with high energy and aggression while else yellow color stimulates serotonin in our brain (a feel-good chemical). For many years, traditional healing professionals have been using color as therapy, but in the recent past, business personnel’s and marketers have started using colors to boost human mood. It’s not a coincidence that almost all Volkswagen uses yellow and fast food restaurants are using red profusely. Kitchen Paint Colors Coming up with the right kitchen colors and unique style can be a challenge. Color consultants suggest that if you hold fond memories of spending time in the kitchen when young, you can consider recreating the same color memory scheme in your grow-up kitchen. Bluman Properties If