Colors That Fits Different Rooms In Your House

According to modern research, when our eyes connect with a specific color, our brains release a particular chemical that impacts us on our emotional and physical level.
For example, our heart rates increase when in a red room stimulating a chemical associated with high energy and aggression while else yellow color stimulates serotonin in our brain (a feel-good chemical).
For many years, traditional healing professionals have been using color as therapy, but in the recent past, business personnel’s and marketers have started using colors to boost human mood.
It’s not a coincidence that almost all Volkswagen uses yellow and fast food restaurants are using red profusely.
  • Kitchen Paint Colors
Coming up with the right kitchen colors and unique style can be a challenge. Color consultants suggest that if you hold fond memories of spending time in the kitchen when young, you can consider recreating the same color memory scheme in your grow-up kitchen.

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If you hold no particular paint scheme in your memory, yellow and red can be great colors you can use in your kitchen and also in the dining room.
Nevertheless, if you are watching your weight, restrain from painting your kitchen with red color. Color consultants say that red will prompt you to eat more. Thus if on a diet, keep red out of your kitchen. Food industries have recognized the appetite-stimulating power of red décor.
  • Living Room Paint Colors
The living room is a place to showcase your personality and the stylishness of your family. When choosing the right colors, you should consider the lighting from lamps and windows as well as the size of the room.
Darker colors will help your living room have a cozier and a snug atmosphere even though it will make it look smaller.
Lighter colors will make the room look larger, although it might make it uncomfortable to unwind and relax in a brightly-painted living room.
Versatile and warm colors such as pale yellow, cream, or beige can help in giving an inviting feel in your living room. When it comes to decor and furniture choice, such colors are adaptable as they match well with almost all other colors.
Other colors that may work well in the living room are dark violet, burgundy, and maroon. Nevertheless, it may be harder to match decor with such specialized shades.
If you desire to have a sedating and a subdued effect, you can use cooler tones such as blue, green, and gray.
When it comes to living room colors, there are few guidelines available; thus, it is entirely up to the preferences and taste of the people living there.
  • Bedroom Paint Colors
The bedroom is the place you want to reconnect and relax with your partner.  Cool colors such as warm grey, lavender, blue, and green work well in the bedroom as they are known to have a calming effect.
Color red should be avoided to all cost in the bedroom space. The color is known to increase blood pressure and heart rate as well as stimulate activity. Blue does the opposite; that’s why it’s calming. Yellow and bright orange should also be avoided as they have an agitating and jarring effect in the bedroom. However, coral, salmon, and subtle pink works well as a bedroom color.
  • Bathroom Paint Colors
Many people prefer warm and white colors for their bedrooms as they imply purity and cleanliness. Unlike before, when people believed that bathrooms are a place only for washing up, nowadays the area is considered a private retreat for rejuvenation and relaxation.
Many people have admitted that they feel comfortable with turquoises, greens, and blue colors as those colors give a sense of being fresh, calm, and clean.
If you want a natural and atmosphere feel in your bathroom, use colors such as seafoam, teal, and aqua. In case you have an irresistible urge to paint your bathroom with hot pink or purple, go for it and get accessories that complement it, be prepared to face bold and bright color every day.
  • Workout Paint Colors
Oranges and red colors not only make you feel hot, but they also help you move. For this reason, the two colors may be the best choices for your workout rooms. Besides, color’s consultants claim that in terms of psychology, blue and green colors are “happier.”
  • Home Office Paint Colors
What matters in this space is productivity. Green is associated with concentration. The faster you get your work done, the more time you will save more time to spend time with your family. Thus, green is the appropriate color to be surrounded by for a more extended period.
Interior painting gives you a chance to create your dream environment. It also can act as a unique way of self-expression. You don’t have to spend all your saving on decorating your home. In many cases, all you need is fresh paint and some few accessories to transform your rooms. Without spending a fortune, use these decorating ideas, and give your house a beautiful makeover. 


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